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social and ethical responsibilities

Good industrial practice is strengthened by the principles of correctness, legality, honesty, integrity, transparency, social responsibility and ethics, in which CARGO DOCKS identifies themselves.

CARGO DOCKS believes it is important to clearly define the set of values ​​in which it recognizes itself that it shares, together with the responsibilities that it assumes both internally and towards the outside.

The company has therefore developed and applies the Code of Ethics, a fundamental tool in the process of dissemination and clarification of the following company principles:


  1. Correctness, legality, honesty, integrity and transparency:
    CARGO DOCKS bases its actions and behaviors, at any level, on the fundamental values.

  2. Social responsibility and centrality of the person:
    CARGO DOCKS is committed to pursuing production models that respect and safeguard human rights; also, aware of the fact that the company’s success on the market depends first and foremost on know-how, by the skills and competences of our staff and collaborators, he means promote the professional and human development of each person, respecting their integrity physical, cultural and moral.

  3. Labor protection:
    CARGO DOCKS undertakes not to take advantage, even indirectly, of either forced and compulsory labor, and child labor. It guarantees freedom of association of workers and recognizes the right to collective bargaining. Rejects any discrimination based on age, sex, sexuality, state of health, race, nationality, political opinions and religious beliefs; repudiates any type of discrimination in hiring policies and in human resources management. It is committed to preventing all forms of mobbing and exploitation of work and to recognize merit, work performance and professional potential as decisive criteria for salary and career developments.

  4. Rules of conduct:
    CARGO DOCKS undertakes to implement all the measures necessary to prevent and avoid corruption and extortion. They are not allowed to be pay sums of money or engage in other forms of corruption with the aim of providing direct or indirect advantages to the Company itself or to a company representative. It is forbidden to accept gifts or favors from third parties that exceed the normal rules of hospitality and courtesy.

  5. Management of contracts:
    Contracts and work assignments must be carried out with diligence and correctness, as consciously established by the parties. CARGO DOCKS undertakes not to exploit positions of dominance over its counterparts and to guarantee broad and exhaustive information to all employees and collaborators involved.

  6. Environmental protection:
    CARGO DOCKS is committed to developing at every stage of its action the use of means and technologies that do not damage the environment and to promote initiatives for greater corporate environmental responsibility.

  7. Compliance with regulations:
    CARGO DOCKS considers compliance with national and international regulations to be a binding and essential condition for its actions. It also inspires own decisions and behaviors to possible developments in the regulatory framework, aiming for continuous improvement.
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